What To Do With Old Halloween Costumes

You can donate old and used Halloween costumes to donation centers such as Goodwill or Salvation Army. If they’re in good shape, they will likely be resold again.

Additionally, consider donating old costumes, wigs, and props to a local theatre group or a school theatre department. Wondering what to do with your old Halloween costumes? Instead of letting them gather dust or tossing them in the trash, there are several options for repurposing or donating them.

Whether you’re looking to declutter your closet or give back to the community, this article will provide you with some practical ideas for what to do with your old Halloween costumes. From donation centers to local theatre groups, there are numerous ways to give your costumes a second life and make someone else’s Halloween a little more special. Let’s explore the possibilities and find the perfect next step for your old costumes.

Donating To Charitable Organizations

Donating old Halloween costumes to charitable organizations like Goodwill and Salvation Army is a great option. These centers will often resell them if they’re in good condition. Another possibility is to donate them to local theatre groups or school theatre departments.

This way, your old costumes, wigs, and props can be put to good use for future productions. Instead of letting them gather dust in storage, consider giving them a new life and bringing joy to others.

Repurposing For Arts And Crafts

Donating old and used Halloween costumes to donation centers like Goodwill or Salvation Army is a great option. These centers might resell them. Another way to repurpose old costumes is to donate them to local theatre groups or school theatre departments.

They can use them for future productions. Additionally, you can get creative and repurpose old costumes into new decorations for your home. With a little DIY effort, you can transform old masks, capes, and accessories into unique and spooky decor items for Halloween.

Consider using old costume fabric to create wreaths, banners, or even pillow covers. The possibilities are endless when it comes to repurposing your old Halloween costumes into arts and crafts projects.

Costume Hand-Me-Downs For Kids

You can pass down old Halloween costumes to your kids within the family. It’s a great way to save money and create a sense of tradition. Your children can enjoy wearing the costumes that you once wore, adding sentimental value to their Halloween experience.

Another option is to donate the costumes to charitable organizations like Goodwill or the Salvation Army. By doing so, you are not only getting rid of clutter but also helping others in need. Moreover, consider giving the costumes to local theater groups or school theater departments.

They can use them for future performances or productions. Don’t let your old Halloween costumes go to waste – pass them down or donate them to bring joy to others.

Costume Swaps And Exchanges

Donating old and used Halloween costumes to donation centers like Goodwill or Salvation Army is a great option. If the costumes are in good shape, they can be resold. Another option is to donate them to a local theatre group or school theatre department, along with wigs and props.

Costume swaps and exchanges are also popular, both in-person events and online platforms. These provide an opportunity to trade or swap costumes with others who are looking for new options. Organizing costume swap events can be a fun way to bring the community together and give old costumes a new life.

Online platforms offer convenience and a wider reach for those looking to exchange costumes with people beyond their immediate area. Overall, there are plenty of options available for what to do with old Halloween costumes.

Creative Halloween Decorations

Donating old Halloween costumes to Goodwill or Salvation Army provides an opportunity for resale. Another option is to donate them to local theatre or school theatre departments. If you want to get creative, you can repurpose costumes into Halloween decorations, such as DIY wreaths, garlands, and centerpieces.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to transforming costumes into spooky decor. So, instead of letting your old costumes collect dust in the attic, give them a second life and let your creativity shine this Halloween season.

Local Recycling Programs

Consider researching recycling options in your area by contacting local recycling centers or organizations. These resources can provide valuable information on how to properly dispose of your old Halloween costumes. Donating them to donation centers like Goodwill or Salvation Army is another option, especially if the costumes are still in good condition and can be resold.

Additionally, consider reaching out to local theatre groups or school theatre departments to see if they could use the costumes, wigs, or props for their productions. By exploring these avenues, you can ensure that your old Halloween costumes are given a new life and contribute to sustainable practices in your community.

Composting Natural Materials

Don’t know what to do with your old Halloween costumes? One eco-friendly option is to compost them, especially if they are made from natural materials. Adding them to your compost pile will help them break down naturally and return to the earth.

This is a great way to reduce waste and make use of items that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Just be sure to remove any non-compostable materials, such as synthetic fabrics or plastic accessories, before adding the costumes to your compost pile.

By composting your old Halloween costumes, you can give them new life while also contributing to a healthier environment.

What To Do With Old Halloween Costumes

Credit: www.virginiasweetpea.com

Properly Disposing Synthetic Materials

Donating old and used Halloween costumes to donation centers like Goodwill or Salvation Army is a great option. They can be resold if they’re in good shape. Additionally, consider donating costumes, wigs, and props to local theatre groups or school theatre departments.

These organizations can benefit from your old costumes for future performances. Recycling or repurposing synthetic materials is also an eco-friendly solution. Check with your local waste management companies for guidelines on how to properly dispose of these materials. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your old Halloween costumes find new life and contribute to sustainability efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What To Do With Old Halloween Costumes

What Do People Do With Old Halloween Costumes?

You can donate old Halloween costumes to Goodwill or Salvation Army, or give them to a local theatre group.

Should I Keep Old Halloween Costumes?

Consider donating your old Halloween costumes to charity or repurposing them for arts and crafts projects.

How To Reuse Halloween Costumes?

You can donate old costumes to donation centers like Goodwill or Salvation Army. Consider repurposing them for arts and crafts projects or handing them down to kids.

What Can You Do With Costumes?

You can donate old Halloween costumes to donation centers or local theatre groups/school theatre departments.


To make the most of your old Halloween costumes, consider donating them to local donation centers like Goodwill or Salvation Army. These organizations can resell the costumes if they’re in good condition. Another option is to donate them to local theatre groups or school theatre departments, where they can be used for future productions.

If you have children, you can pass down the costumes to them and let them enjoy your old outfits. Additionally, you can repurpose the costumes for arts and crafts projects, creating unique Halloween decorations for your home. The possibilities are endless when it comes to finding new uses for your old costumes.

So instead of letting them gather dust in your closet, explore these options and give your costumes new life. Make a positive impact by donating or repurposing your old Halloween costumes today.

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Atika is the driving force behind CatchyCostume.com, a platform for anyone looking for the latest and greatest fundamental knowledge and buying guides about costumes. She has made it her mission to bring the world of costumes to life for her readers. Atika's expert insights and engaging writing style make CatchyCostume a must-visit for anyone who loves creativity and self-expression.

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